Thursday, June 07, 2012

Parallel Programming with OmniThreadLibrary – Current Status

Parallel Programming with OmniThreadLibrary is now complete. It will be updated as the OmniThreadLibrary itself is updated, but other than that it is done.

Go to LeanPub to learn more about the book, read the free sample or buy your own copy!


  1. Please, can you explain content of How-to section, maybe just short description.
    I have own needs on multi-threaded programs and maybe i can make some comments)

    1. Most of the articles in this section will be rehashed how-tos from the web (with better explanation at some points) and/or descriptions of relevant OTL test projects. The intention is to explain more complicated stuff so you can get ideas for your projects.

    2. My general need for any app is removing all worker code from UI thread, to let app perform tasks in background. Task can be any - web download, database update, etc. All tasks can be queued (just linke in iTunes), but each task itself can include some parallel threads (if applicable: for ex - web download of several files; but database query can not be splitted into parallel tasks - just one bg thread).

      So, I want to know common patterns to build task queue (queues?), and communicate between task and main UI thread. Maybe you can discuss areas of potential problems: deadlocks, etc.

  2. You will get an email each time I publish an update.

  3. Hi,

    I purchased the book but have not gotten an update. Can you please send me an update notice with a download link? My email is thomas jaeger at gee mail dot com. Thank you.

  4. Hi gabr, is there any future update plan for your book? Want to see the low-level threading section :)

    1. Yes, I did not forget (or "forget") about the book and I will update it. In the last few months I was incredibly busy with things outside my controls, but my life will get easier in the second half of that month.

      I plan to resume writing this month and then really push into it in July.

  5. Thomas, you can always download the latest version by logging into They are available on the Purchases tab.

  6. Hi.
    Any update on this book? Or we can assume that is the next LeanPub fail, and will be never finished as author lost his interest....

    1. Yes, there will be an update to this book. The author did not lose interest, he is just too busy :(

  7. Hi.
    Will be printed version of the book ? It it's true have you an aprox date ?

    1. Yes, there will be. As soon as it is finished. Really close now - just one more chapter.
