Saturday, March 03, 2007

Delphi 2007 - New Welcome Page

There will be a new Welcome page in the Delphi 2007 and it is based on the 'community' page, created by Daniel "sakura" Wischnewski as a replacement for BDS 2006 Welcome Page. I can only say hurray! to that.

What I liked about Daniel's page (and that holds for the new Welcome page too) is the Favorites list. Welcome page still shows only 5 recent projects (supposedly this is a limitation in Delphi, not in the Welcome page itself), but you can mark any number of projects as favorites and they will be managed in a special list.

New welcome page offsers structured access do 96 feeds (notably missing is, about 20 resources (from YAPP syntax highlighter to CodeGear Online), and various Help topics, but that's of little interest to me. Favourites, on the other hand, is something that I wouldn't want to live without.

[I'm blogging about Spacely - the beta version of Delphi 2007 for Win32 - with special permission given from CodeGear.]

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  1. Anonymous03:31

    I think the correct URL should be, it's not an .org site

  2. But of course!

    I get this wrong 50% of the time :(

    Maybe somebody should register and set up a redirector :)

  3. What I'd lie to know, is what technology does the Delphi welcome page use?

    How do I write my own for my own app?

  4. HTML and JavaScript. I have no idea how to write your own - see how the Delphi's welcome page is implemented.
